Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy Generator Nizhyn. EPCF Syaivo LTD Przetwórstwo spożywcze - Baza firm Business Navigator
7 A Moskovska street
16608 Nizhyn
rok założenia: 1993
tel. 380 4631 41400
email:główny adres kontaktowy e-mail do firmy
opis działalności:
Enlightening-production and commercial firm "Syaivo" LTD — company with a rich experience of work in a field of purchasing, processing and trade with oil-bearing crops (sunflower, rapeseed, flaxseed, mustard, coriander, pumpkin seeds), legumes (soyabeans, lupine seeds, vetch, peas, sainfoin), feeding corn, millet, sorgo, cakes (rapeseed, linseed); is an authoritative supplier in Ukraine of edible and industrial oils — in bulk and packed, crude and refined-deodorised, oil-cakes and meals.
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